Fluski logoFluski

The 1st collaborative notes and spreadsheet manager

Notes and spreadsheets that adapt to the way you think and work. Try it now!

Fluski screenshot desktopFluski screenshot mobile

Block-based editor

Convert blocks from one type to another, or drag to reorder them.

Blocks style editor

Collapsible blocks

All blocks can be collapsed and expanded. Organize your ideas in an infinite outliner.

Blocks style editor

More than tables, spreadsheets

Use formulas, filters, and more. All in the same app!

Blocks style editor

No folders, just pages

Fluski adapts to you. Forget about arbitrary structures like folders, sections or notepads.

Blocks style editor


Use your favorite shortcuts with the beauty and simplicity of WYSIWYG.

Blocks style editor

Share your notes in real-time

Write on your mobile and computer at the same time? No problem, synchronization is immediate!

Blocks style editor

Coming soon

Stay on top of important releases

Follow @fluski_app
Relational databases
With different views like tables, kanban, calendars. Use the same app for everything!
Bi-directional links
Find the note you were needing and didn't even remember you had thanks to backlinks.
Real-time collaboration
Collaborate with your friends and colleagues in real-time. No more having to send files back and forth.
Offline first
Work on your notes even when you don't have internet. Fluski will sync your changes when you are back online.

Try it right now!